May 8, 2024

Bauchi Communities Lauds WaterAid For Solar-Powered Boreholes

Communities in Misau local government area of Bauchi state praised WaterAid Nigeria and its partners for initiating the construction of solar-powered boreholes and sanitation facilities. The project, supported by funding from DP World, aims to enhance public health in Bauchi State by implementing sustainable, climate-resilient water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions.

Over 15,000 Lives Impacted

According to Daily Independent, WaterAid Nigeria, supported by DP World, has initiated a project aimed at enhancing public health outcomes in Bauchi State through WASH solutions. This initiative targets over 15,000 individuals, with a particular focus on benefiting women and girls who often endure long journeys in search of these essential services.

The interventions will involve constructing three solar-powered boreholes and one sanitation facility in public areas within selected communities. Additionally, artisans will receive training on maintaining water facilities, while WASH committees in the communities will undergo capacity building to ensure the effective operation, maintenance, and management of the boreholes.

The Influence of Solar-Powered Water Initiatives

The communities expressed their appreciation during the GroundBreaking Ceremony for the Increasing Access to Sustainable Climate-Resilient WASH for Women Project in Bauchi.

Garba Iliyasu, the District Head of Hardawa Community in Misau local government, expressed that the initiation of solar-powered water schemes and sanitation facilities in communities within the LGA will relieve the hardships faced by people in accessing water for their basic needs.

He remarked, "Today marks a joyous occasion for us as we have eagerly awaited this type of intervention. Water is indispensable for human existence, and its scarcity can lead to significant hardships. This project will bring positive changes to the lives of people in these communities, as they currently endure considerable challenges in obtaining water.”

Zainab Umar and Umar Isma’il, residents of Rugar Jeji community, shared that they often trek long distances to reach the river for water, which frequently dries up.

They explained, "We encounter numerous obstacles in accessing water, as there are only three wells in our community. We have to retrieve water during the night when the water level rises. The construction of this water project brings us joy as it will alleviate our struggles in obtaining water, which have been quite challenging.”

Focus on Women and Girls

During the foundation laying ceremony of the water project in the community, Evelyn Mere, the Country Director of WaterAid Nigeria, emphasized the significant challenges faced by millions of women and girls who must travel long distances daily to collect water.

Represented by Mr. Nanpet Chuktu from WaterAid's WASH Unit, the Country Director expressed gratitude for the support from DP World, aiming to transform the situation for women and girls in Bauchi State. The project aims to economically empower women and involve them in decision-making processes related to WASH in their communities.

She outlined the project's objectives, stating, "Over the next three years, our goal is to provide approximately 15,000 individuals with access to basic water supply services, deliver hygiene behavior change interventions to 4,000 people, and provide basic sanitation services to 1,000 individuals.”

37 Solar-Powered Water Boreholes

In a similar development, Fordmarx Nigeria Ltd. stated that it would donate 37 solar-powered water boreholes to all states in the federation, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), as part of a major initiative to guarantee access to clean water throughout Nigeria.

Oforbuike Clifford Nnaji, the Managing Director/CEO of Fordmarx Nigeria Ltd, highlighted his company's proactive approach to addressing water scarcity. They have installed solar-powered boreholes and irrigation systems to aid farming and improve health and economic conditions in various communities, especially in Enugu State.

Additionally, the organization has successfully revitalized the 9th Mile water supply scheme in Enugu by restoring eight out of 13 abandoned water boreholes that had been inactive for over 35 years. "Our strategy includes empowering at least 370 trained engineers and technicians in the industry, spanning across states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja," Nnaji announced.

The CEO's vision goes beyond just providing water; he aims to foster job creation. He envisions that solar-powered irrigation infrastructures alone could generate over 50 million jobs nationwide within a year.

As these projects continue to unfold and make a tangible impact on the ground, they serve as models for sustainable development and collaborative efforts to tackle pressing challenges with solar power in Nigeria and beyond.

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